
Annual General Meeting 2015

[President Richard Hobbs with the Mayor of Ely, Cllr. Lis Every]
Cllr. Richard Hobb, President, welcomed the Mayor of Ely, Cllr.Lis Every to the thirty-seventh AGM of Fenprobe TN. Held at The City of Ely Bowls Club, several members attended and heard the Treasurer, Ron Moore, present the 2015 statement of accounts, which showed for the second year running, a small surplus of receipts over expenditure. Bill Pickess, Chairman, reviewed the year's events and referred to the welcome inflow of donations. He thanked his committee for their work during the year together with Brian and Annie Gowler who ran the studio, together with Daphne Lumley.  They made sure recording and dispatch ran smoothly each week.

Richard Hobbs paid tribute to the late Frances Mary Howell, first Chairman of Fenprobe, who died in January and to his father, Maurice Hobbs, first President of Fenprobe who had died last year.   They had both made enormous contributions to the success of the service and were remembered with fond memories.
Bill Pickess was re-elected as Chairman, Ron Moore as Treasurer, Janet Smith as Secretary.  The rest of the committee was re-elected  unchanged.

The Mayor, Cllr. Lis Every, recalled her connection with the Campaign Amateur Theatre, who supplied many of the original readers and founder members of Fenprobe.  Members were delighted to hear she had known Mary Howell and the inception of the service .  She referrred to a recent experience with Guide Dogs for the Blind, when she was blindfolded and led around Ely.  This had given her a very small experience of what our listeners face each day.  The Talking News service was very valuable in alleviating a sense of isolation from society and keeping listeners up to date with local events. 
During her term of office she had met so many volunteers running small charities in the Ely area and realised what a great contribution they made to the lives of disabled people.
Bill Pickess thanked her for a very insightful contribution.

Refreshments were served by Maureen Fresco, Elsie Lack and Alma Clarke.

[Maureen Fresco]